Bouquet Eternelle
Bouquet Eternelle is the epitome of love that guarantees to capture every emotion of your mom. Order this majestic bouquet that has been crafted with selected lilies, eucalyptus leaves, papyrus, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, Muguet, Coeur d’Argent and Rabanne, all expertly set in a lovely basket. This is how you express more love to mom!
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Bouquet Eternelle is the epitome of love that guarantees to capture every emotion of your mom. Order this majestic bouquet that has been crafted with selected lilies, eucalyptus leaves, papyrus, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, Muguet, Coeur d’Argent and Rabanne, all expertly set in a lovely basket. This is how you express more love to mom!
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