


Pink lady bouquet is a bouquet full of our favourite Pink flowers to light up this special day.

SKU: PINK-001 Category:


Pink lady bouquet is a bouquet full of our favourite Pink flowers to light up this special day.

This bouquet is part of our launching deal and you have until 27th May to order. All deliveries will be done on Mother’s Day, on 30th May 2021.

Additional information

Pink Lady Bouquet

Pink Lady Bouquet Medium, Pink Lady Bouquet Large, Pink Lady Bouquet Medium with a box of 3 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, Pink Lady Bouquet Medium with a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, Pink Lady Bouquet Medium with a box of 24 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, Pink Lady Bouquet Large with a box of 3 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, Pink Lady Bouquet Large with a box of 16 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates, Pink Lady Bouquet Large with a box of 24 Ferrero Rocher Chocolates


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